Friday, May 23, 2008

Disposable pallets for the garden

I've spent my day cutting up pallets. Globalen in Uppsala has given me their disposable pallets and I plan to rebuild them into raised beds for my allotment. I do realise it's ironic I want to raise vegetables in containers outdoors too - I'm a lazy person. Raised bed gardening makes it easier to weed, and you have more possibilities to fend off slugs. And it's possible to mix a supersoil for dense planting. However, I'll put them up this autumn, I need to build them first.

The big news of today is that the first tomato is blushing. This may be a small thing for others, but I'm so excited I'm jumping. Soon we'll have fresh indoor tomatoes!


Anonymous said...

I think it is very exciting, we spotted our first bean pods today so we are also super excited.

Rosengeranium said...

That's great! Congratulations!