I thought I would sow today, but I haven't got any sowing soil. The best I can manage is that magnificent homemade potting soil I made. I think I overdid myself a bit... When the son returns home I'll bring out my worn pans and start sterilizing used soil from my cupboards. Will be interesting, especially when the hubby returns home and ask what's for dinner.
The true answer to that question is probably "something with chard" since I intend to empty that box today. It's interesting, the leaves have been left alone for quite a while and their stems have turned coarse. Normally you can cook and eat them lika asparagus, but when we tried it last time it wasn't a hit. Today I'll probably make a gravystew (it's a swedish thing I think - you make a bechamel and add stuff to it, like finely minced chard - I can't find any proper english word for it, but I may post a recipe later on) on the leaves instead, and add boiled potatoes and smoked pork loin to it, mmmmmmmmm. (And a thought strikes me, if you're a vegan, how do you replace the pork loin? is it possible to grow at home? indoors? I'll never be able to grow normal potted plants.)
Tomorrow it's time for sowing. I have an abundance of egg shells, a large stack of seed envelopes, for some reason with a majority of strawberry parcels, some funny looking containers and a lot of wild ideas.
Hm, Swedish gravystew sounds a lot like the Nederlandish dish boerenkool (http://home.student.uva.nl/pepijn.uitterhoeve/boerenkool/boerenkool.htm) or the Irish colcannon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colcannon). Similar, not the same. But my vegetarian friend who is living in the Netherlands right now substitutes the sausage/pork with falafel or pine nuts, but I think having some lentils with it would be nice. To me, lentils always taste like pork is in there, or should be. Annnd, I'm growing lentils, and chickpeas, and other beans in my apartment, so maybe I can make falafel or lentils for the gravystew!
Interesting! Swedes combine peas and pork.
Your blog is great, by the way!
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