Well, after writing about my joy of not having pneumonia any more I took an unintentional blog vacation. I turned thirtyseven last friday (you may not ask a woman about her age, but I maintain that a lady isn't ashamed of how old she is) and spent that day on cafés reading glossy magazines. True, some of them weren't that glossy; british "the Ecologist" managed to get into the bunch simply because I fell for the name. The content wasn't bad either.
Saturday my friends came over for a chatty birthday "fika" bringing lots of chocolate. During Sunday I bought pots, actual terracotta pots. What is an indoor gardener to do with her birthday money if not buying stuff to get more microgardens?
Do I have any magazine tips for you? Well, perhaps not any magazine for indoor gardeners, but I do like the brittish version of "House Beautiful". This is one of those glossy interior design magasines and they have a standing section with tips on how to live sustainably. This is one of the few 'normal' glossy magazines I've found which take a stand for the environment without making a fuzz about it. After all, they have an eco-chic designer...
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