Sunday, April 27, 2008

Museum of garden history

Some day I'll get to this place when I visit London! Since I do believe in miracles this will happen next time, and "next time" will be soon.

Why I believe? Today an allotment was assigned to me that had been properly dug last autumn, and the soil had been handled with great love. The only things I need to do are raking and sowing...


WiseAcre said...

I don't blame you for wanting to visit. The museum promises a great days outing. Some of the scenes were breathtaking. And a little Jazz would be a fun way to cap the day's outing.

And did I understand correctly that you just scored a spot in a community garden? Congrats, there's nothing like having your "own" piece of soil to play in.

Better not introduce any of that Ground Ivy you wanted to find for your indoor garden. I promise you that is not a plant to make friends with. I might have said some nice things about Glechoma hedercea but I seem to be a party of one around here when it comes to that.

Rosengeranium said...

Thanks, I'm both thrilled and terrified, but it's a good spot and I've inherited some plants from the previous owner.

From your description I deduced that Ground Ivy is, together with tiger nut and ground-elder, among the plants that should be labled "only for containers" in large, red letters.